Monday, April 18, 2011

Creative Camp Day 3


Day one and day two were just warm ups for the busy day I had on day three.  My first class was “Headboards”, taught by Gillian Wendel. She had some very creative samples like this one that had nail heads and a faux iron insert by Tableaux in a black truffle finish that was donated by Amore Drapery Hardware.


We all made sample size headboards with buttons to take home.

BG Custom Windows

Whew, a complete mini headboard in 4 hours, we were working fast ! A group photo at the end of class……


My afternoon class was “shaped specialty firmaflex cornices” taught by Karen Barnes. Here she is with some samples of shaped cornices.


I love this bendable fiber board and can’t wait to use it again. Once you heat it up enough you can curve and shape it.  It’s also lightweight and would be perfect for a large cornice. Here’s my finished sample……….


That evening we had a presentation about roman shade safety by Mary Ann Plumlee, she is working on a new shade system that will be available soon. After such a busy day we needed to wind down by swinging in the full moon……..


Just one more class left and then it’s time to go home !

Custom window treatments can be the single most important element in pulling together your decorating scheme. If you would like up to date window treatments that you are excited about send me an email.


  1. Thanks Kathy ! I'm happy that fabric headboards are so popular again.

  2. That mini headboard is adorable! I can see it used for a bed for doll's :) Hope you are well Tammy and guess what? I'm going to Blogfest after all!
