Friday, September 24, 2010

NYC Recap

Remember my Nate Day post ?


Well, thanks to the Moggit Girls and Create Girl twittering about Nate’s new show, over 90 bloggers got invited to be in the audience for a taping of his show on Tuesday.  I never knew it was such hard work, all that waiting and clapping and smiling !


He was delightful and charming and took about 30 minutes after the show to answer questions.  Kate from Centsational Girl asked a great question about DIY vs hiring a professional when it comes to decorating your home.  Nate said he loved the creativity that comes from decorating with a smaller budget but he recommends calling a professional when:

1.  You tried it and ruined it !

2. You are overwhelmed with choices and need help to get back on track.

3. You are dealing with anything that operates, like plumbing or electrical.  Or drilling holes in your walls for drapery (OK, I added that part)  ;)

I wish him lots of success with his new show !

Then came the really fun part…..  Camila and The Nest Magazine organized an after party for all of us at The Collective. It was  great to meet so many wonderful, talented designing women !  I just wish I had time to meet ALL of them.


Wednesday we wandered around the garment district and did some window shopping.


I must have seen 100 fabric stores !


My son requested a black fedora from NYC and we finally found one ! Here’s Mr. Stitches modeling it in the airport where we spent 15 hours because our flight was cancelled after sitting on the runway for 3 hours !


Can you say “glad to be home” !


  1. I'm glad you had fun!! I am so jealous about all the fabric stores you went too! I bet that got your mind racing with ideas.

  2. I'm so happy you got to go and had such an amazing experience! I know it was fabulous! I LOVE NYC. I just went in July and am going back with my hubby in January. I can't wait! I'm back after a LONG break from blogging. I have TONS of pics from Jamaica on the blog. We just got back from renewing our vows!

  3. Tammy,
    thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I hate that we didn't get face time in NYC but how exciting that you are not too far away from me. I have been meaning to visit Cary for many reasons and now, you are another reason for me to pass by for a day trip! Looking forward to get to know you as we go along!

  4. Tammy, thanks for stopping by! Loved reading your post too. So sorry some of you got stuck on the runway for so long. What a bummer that must have been. I had no problems at LaGuardia getting out.

    Wish I had time to get in those fabrics stores. We hit one decor shop, ABC Home & it was great fun!

  5. Glad you had such a great trip Tammy.. benefits from getting on the Twitter train! I love that you included nate's DIY vs. Professional, haven't seen that anywhere else.

    I'm sorry you had to waste 3 hrs on the runway (bites) but atleast you got some more NY time in after that.

    Take care, Sarah

  6. It is fun hearing the Nate stories...I love that guy!

  7. Condivido pienamente il suo punto di vista. Penso che questo sia una buona idea.
    Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Credo che questo sia un concetto molto diverso. Pienamente d'accordo con lei.

  8. Sounds like everyone had so much fun! I'm glad you were able to go. Sorry about the whole airport experience though - UGH. Have a good day!

  9. Thanks for swinging by my blog today, Tammy!
    Your trip to NYC sounds fun! And, that is one great looking fedora. Good find!

  10. Looks like you had an amazing time! I so wanted to go! I was invited twice and I have just been too busy. I will live vicariously through all that went..

  11. Tammy,

    So glad you stopped by RHS and commented. Happy to find your blog and sounds like you all had a grand time in the Big Apple. So fun. I'll be back to your blog soon.


  12. Sounds like you had a great time in NYC, other than the cancelled flight. Poor you :-(

    I can only think of about 4 fabric stores here in Ottawa. Wish I had 100 to choose from!!

    Thanks for stopping by DesignTies and checking out my Designer's Challenge post. It was fun to see the designs everyone came up with :-)


  13. lol. mr. stitches really rocked that fedora! ugh, 3 hours of waiting...yeesh.

    thanks so much for stopping by the cape on the corner, and for your comment on my halloween decor! you should get shopping, my dear!

  14. I am so glad I was able to meet you, Tammy! I wish we had more time to talk!
