Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spin Art, Lampshades, Record Bowls………..

I’m taking a break from my alphabet series to fill you in on some projects I’ve been working on for the guest/music room.  I have been trying to come up with some unique art and I found a post on Blue Hydrangea about spin art and I knew that was exactly what I needed.

I wanted to make the art on records since it is a music room and Mr. Stitches is a DJ.  After a trip to the thrift store to find an old turntable was a bust I remembered that my son had a spin art machine when he was little and found it in his closet (he never gets rid of anything) A couple of washers, a pencil and some super glue and it was ready to spin a record.


My friend Eva and I put it inside a cardboard box so it wouldn’t splatter all over my kitchen.  This reminded me of when I was little, my Dad worked for IBM and we did this at their family picnic every year.


Here they are over the bumblebee yellow buffet/dresser.  My Dad is going to help me cut some picture molding to make a frame to go around them.

Today I covered the lamp shades with Trina Turk’s Sunglasses print in a very dark grey. If you want a tutorial, Janell has a great one at her blog Isabella and Max.


I ordered this Live What You Love print from made by girl and put it in a $10 frame from Big Lots and used some of the roman shade fabric for the mat.  I’m trying to decide if I should paint it white……. what do you think ?


The record bowl was super easy.  I just put it on top of a bowl and let it melt in the oven for 3 minutes.  It’s probably toxic, not recommending you do it ! But I have seen them sold in gift shops for $40.00.

I found the little bedside tables on Craigslist and covered them with the headboard fabric.


I was going to say I need some guests but I just found out my niece is coming today !


I’m linking to Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage.


  1. I love the bright splashes of color they add above the (fabulous) buffet!

  2. The room looks amazing and your spin art records are fantastic!!!! Love them. I am still working on my over-sized project. Hope it runs out as well as yours!

  3. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

  4. Tammy, the room looks amazing! The art just ties it all together too. GREAT job.

  5. Love the room! And the spinart is such a great idea! LOVE IT!!!

  6. The room is looking great, Tammy! How nice you will be having a guest to enjoy it, too! I'd probably go white on the frame {or even yellow}; I love that you used the fabric in it.

  7. Hi Tammy- Looks so cute! I love all the yellow accents - really livens up the space. What color did you use for the the console table??

  8. What an awesome post! I love the record art!!

  9. This is turning out great! It makes me want to go find a spin thingy and paint something!

  10. Love the record bowl! Now where can I use that. Great job Tammy. Your niece should enjoy your room.

  11. Tammy, your room looks fabulous! I would never have thought to use the spin art machine to make my own wall art! How creative! Another idea that I remember from one of my children's preschool classes was to use a "salad spinner" to make artwork like that. Can't really recall the process now, but it had the same outcome as the spin art machine. And by the way, the yellow dresser that you painted looks just perfect! The room has all come together in grand fashion! Great job!

  12. Love the spin art and the yellow sideboard!

  13. Hi Tammy,

    Yellow is my fave color...

    I can't see that chest it !!!

    I hope you are enjoying your summer :)

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  14. Love the pops of color from the spin art project...(who would have thought!), but what I'm really drawn to are the fabulous pillows and window treatments. They are GREAT!! Janell

  15. I'm lovin' everything you've shared! How fun is that spin art!! My brother is a musician and I think I'm going to make him a record bowl - thanks for the inspiration!! And your caution is noted :-)
    P.S. Terrific roman in the room!!

  16. I love the spin art! I want to do this with my first grade art class on records. Can you please tell me how you customized the spin machine to hold a record? Thank you!
